Science Policy Interface – Improving data for DRR
15:00h – 16:15h CET
25 November 2021
EFDRR Virtual Platform
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented societies and governments with unprecedented challenges, where well-worn patterns of action have proven to be insufficient. At the same time the collective experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine the relationship between science, policy and the wider society, in what is often called the science-policy-society interface, regarding awareness of the systemic nature of disaster risks.
The pandemic has shown that the Science–Policy-Interface (SPI) can be different from just a linear transfer of knowledge from experts to policymakers. The role of science had to be reformulated from a behind-the-scenes advisory role to being an active social discourse participant. The scientific community had to use their authority to support imposed preventative measures and address new challenges such as disinformation. National, sub
national and supra-national responses have diverged widely, based on different scientific interpretations and how to address these leading to a more sophisticated view of SPI.
Well-functioning SPI should be dynamic ecosystems of organizational arrangements, institutionalized processes with access to modern methods of collecting and analyzing data (such as use of remote sensing, satellites, drones, geographical information systems, AI big data for DRR), which serve to structure the relationships of diverse actors around complex policies to address systemic risks.
Informed by the lessons learned from management of the COVID-19 crisis and the increasing effects of the climate emergency, this session aims to investigate three key priorities focusing on the science policy interface for disaster risk reduction:
1. How is the SPI efficiently taking shape in formal governmental settings such as panels, advisory committees, national platforms or other institutional structures? Analysis might be done through the presentation of experiences from the European Commission, DG ECHO knowledge network, and Member States.
2. How is the SPI evolving and what are the new tools available to generate evidence based solutions that are easier to incorporate into national policies, decisions or investments, with a dedicated focus on climate change? Conversely, what are the new challenges induced by the significant increase of information sources and supports, disinformation, fake news?
3. How can the scientific community support global efforts to reach a new and reliable evidence-based understanding of the dynamic nature of systemic risks, establishing new structures to govern risk in complex, adaptive systems, often in a context of uncertainty?
Ms. Claire Doole
Moderator and Master of Ceremonies
Dr. Tom De Groeve
Deputy Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit at the European Commission Joint Research Centre
Ms. Beata Janowczyk
Head of Risk Assessment and Emergency Planning Unit, Government Centre for Security, Poland
Dr. Marco Massabo
Programme Director for Capacity Development in Disaster Risk Reduction and Civil Protection of CIMA Research Foundation, Italy
Ms. Virginia Murray
Head of Global Disaster Risk Reduction at UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom
Mr. Julien Pain
Editor in chief and presenter of the weekly Fact Checking program "Vrai ou Fake", France
Prof. Jorgen Spärf
Associate professor of Sociology at Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Session information
Session type: Working session
Who can attend: Registered participants